martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Forever and after.
After almost 2 weeks without posting... Here we are :) With a very simple but tasty recipe using up overripe bananas that no one wants to eat, simply delicious.
Let's go!


And you have it! My mobile died so I just have one photo :( But I assure you that it's delicious :3


domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

Messy weekend!

This weekend has been really busy, much more than I expected!
On Saturday I spent all day on the mountain climbing ... It was so much fun!
So here yesterday I had time to prepare any tutorial, and today either, because I was visiting my grandmother who is a little sick: (
And being at home I had a surprise prepared ...

But ... what is that box?

Her sewing machineee :3 :3 
I'm so glad she borrowed it to me
Will like fifty years, and is the sewing machine which my grandmother has sewn with hundreds of fabrics, clothes, blankets and a thousand things to all my family, so I have to keep the bar high ^ ^

Now I have to learn how to use it :3
I have pair of projects that I couldn't make, now is the TIME !

I hope this week is a bit calmer, get a camera and give me time to take some pictures and post some tutorial ... And further explore blogger!

Love! XOXO

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

I have no time in the week to post something good, so this weekend I'll do my best to share with you one DiY project I've been thinking about the hole week, and mooore I hope.
Today I've been CLIMBING for the first time in my life... Exciting at all!! Very tiring too (I can't almost hold a glass hehe)... But is a great experience, and I am repeating on Saturday!
I leave the song I've been listening all day :3

Ojalá que se llame Amapola.

Saqué del armario la maleta de los mil y un viajes, arrastrándola con furia hacia la cama en la que tantas veces me habías mentido. Guardé el mapa de ninguna parte, un par de pantalones y casi ningún recuerdo.
Al fondo suena Extremoduro <<...Si te vas, me quedo en esta calle sin salida...>> Por favor Robe, no seas ingenuo, sabes que esa puerta existe, por algún sitio se tienen que haber ido... Tal vez está detrás de un "te quiero" de esos que son de verdad efímera. Si no la has encontrado es porque no has querido, no porque no esté.
Las dos horas siguientes las pasé repasando todos esos recuerdos por última vez antes de borrarlo, pensando en el viento y hacia donde me iba a llevar, en Barajas y en cuál de las terminales habría un avión que me dejase a más distancia del kilómetro cero de tu boca.
Porque un día estás en la cima del mundo, y al siguiente estás consumiéndote en mil cigarrillos, mientas intentas explicarle a cualquiera por qué te sientes así.
Y después de pensar dejé de hacerlo, cogí mi maleta de los mil y un viajes, y antes de llegar a la puerta la vi de reojo. En un marco de madera, inocentemente abrazadas. Hubo una leve sonrisa en mi cara. <<Zorra>> Le dediqué al retrato de mi amiga la que me lo quitó todo, mi Amapola querida. Rompí la foto en mil pedazos, ni aún abandonando esa casa quería que irrumpiese en el único lugar que quedaba ya como mío.
Doble pestillo y me voy, con la maleta a un brazo y el mechero encendiendo otro cigarrillo de las lamentaciones, huyendo, creyendo que por fin iba a encontrarle la puerta a mi calle sin salida.

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

A little music

Today was totally anti-productive! I did nothing except from argue with everybody, so I'm sad...
I leave here one of my favorites songs in this cases.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

PacMan Lovers, That's 4 you!

Cool! My first tutorial ^^I couldn't be happier !!
This one is a very simple, and fun project, and I bet you'll use it more than you expect to at the beginning :D
There exist a lot of funny stuff with this hamma beads, you just design what you want, a little heat with the iron and that's all! You have it !!
Okay, let's start :)

And for the necklace itself:

LET'S GO·····
1- We are going to start with our yellow friend. The first thing you have to do is choose the appropriate mold. I chose the rounded one because we are doing a small version of Pac-Man, but if you want it bigger, is better a square.
And it's simple, start placing yellow beads around the central one. Leave one place to put a black bead like a small eye, and we have it, YAY!

2- Little Ghosts ! It's the same method, but in a squared mold. I will show you the big and the small version of the same ghost, one for the necklace and the other for whatever you imagine!

3- Now it's ironing time. Maybe you don't catch on the firs time (you will melt it or not even cook it!), but everything is practicing! And you'll discover how simple is after all.
Place the heat paper on top of your ghosts. Be sure you have covered ALL parts of the ghosts, if you don't want to buy a new iron >.<
Press it and move the iron around your ghosts (be careful not to press it in the mold, or it will melt and it'll be useless)
After a few seconds,the beads will have stuck to the paper and will be ready!
WAIT A MOMENT! What if this happens to you:

Don't panic! Just place the figure in the mold again, fitting it with the missed beads, and iron again!
Another tip! You'll find two sides in your creations, the ironed one and the "Original". Choose the one you like the most, I prefer...

The other ghosts are exactly the same, i'll show you them before continuing!

Oookay, once we've got all the ghosts and PacMan ironed, it's time to put them together in a chain :3

After Maya intermission hehehe, comes the easiest part of the DiY
First of all, design how do you want the necklace to be, I chose mine like this:

1- Round a little portion of wire, and insert it in the chain and in a hole of the figures
And that's all!!! You are ready to flaunt with your super-freak necklace!!!

Hey! But what happened to our greenbighost??
Here is him! Becoming into a funny keychain!
Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial as I did!

Have fun! XOXO

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

30 facts about me :3

Let me share you some stuff about me to introduce me better huh?? :D
1- I am from in Spain, and also living there
2- I love life, animals and plants, and that's why I am studying Biology.
3- I love food, also cooking and experiment in the kitchen !!
4- Traveller is my second name :3
5- Chocolate is my favorite sin.
6- Berlin is at this time the city I love the most
7- I've been there three times in the last three years, and a fourth one is coming soon
8- This summer someone stole my camera at my Europe trip :( so now i have to survive with my mobile.
10- I have two LOMO cameras <3
11- Really love kids, but i think just for a while hehehe
12- I cannot live without my friends.
13- I talk, talk and TALK
14- Rhianna is the only woman I could fall in love with.
15- Drawing chills me out, but i never have time to it.
16- I've been taking dancing lessons for 4 years (but i'm still a mess)
17- I am not very tidy, which is NOT the same as clean >.<
18- I'm saving money in order to buy a sewing machine !
19- Love crafting, sewing, scrapbooking
20- Spent hour watching DiY tutorials
21- eBay is my perdition (LOTS of things really cheap)
22- I have a whole wall of chalkboard in my room. So lucky me !
23- I don't like writing "I" at the beginning of each point
24- Love nature, walk throughout the mountain and get lost
25- I've been in ten cities of Europe in 23 days
26- I LOVE Cola-Cao (is the thing i miss the most when i am abroad)
27- Hate football
28- Making people smile is one of my favs activities
29- I have no favorite colour, or number, or month.
30- Maya spents with me all time I am at home

Oookay, this is a good way to start with this I think

31- Music is LIFE for me. I don't mind what kind, I'm always glad to discover new stuff!
Ans this thing here is me! --->
Okay, I chose the cutest pic I had, one friend studying photography took it, cool huh?

I'll post again as soon I can ! XOXO

Ready, steady... GO!

Hey there! I am so proud to finally have dared to start a new blog, after all the laps I gave for deciding on a name, style and above all to decide on what I will write. And I'll write what I like, that is fashion, photography,
travelling, film and crafts. I will also talk about my kitty Maya, who accompanied me in all of my life adventures. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I will enjoy writing!